Lest We Forget

RWBro Roger Pemberton is (as chance would have it) WM of Shropshire Installed Masters’ Lodge 6262 this year, and he is pictured here with two Shropshire Masons who played key roles in the lodge’s November meeting.

WBro Stuart Parton of Uxacona Lodge gave an excellent talk on the “Unknown Soldier” in Westminster Abbey - who it was that conceived the idea of remembering the fallen of the Great War in this way, and how the memorial was conceived, constructed and the unidentified body of a British soldier selected and taken to London from the battlefields.

Roger also made a presentation to “Mr Church Stretton” - WBro Tom Beaumont, to mark his 50 years in the Craft. An enthusiastic crowd at the meeting wished Tom well after his recent poor health.

Jeremy Lund