Cae Glas Lodge

Lodge Number: 8572

Freemasons’ Hall Roft St.,
Oswestry SY11 2EP

Meeting Date
First Thursday in month
October to May (except January)

Installation Date

Lodge Secretary 
Contact the Lodge Secretary


CAE GLAS LODGE was formed on 13th February 1974 and is one of 36 lodges in the Masonic Province of Shropshire.  Cae Glas Lodge is one of three Lodges in Oswestry. It is the newest Lodge of the three, and is young in age and in outlook. Our meetings are held monthly, usually on the first Thursday of each month from October to May inclusive, seven meetings in total, meeting at the Masonic Hall in Roft Street, Oswestry.

The evening begins at 6:15pm with a ceremony or an educational presentation followed by other Lodge business. This is followed at about 8pm by a Festive Board, which is a two or three course meal involving good food, toasts to various people, music and singing, with the formal part of the evening normally ending by about 10pm - although many members stay to socialise long after that! Our Festive Boards are known throughout and two especially, our Christmas and Burns Night Festive Boards are legendary throughout our Province and the neighbouring Provinces of North Wales and Cheshire, many of whose members are frequent visitors.

Rehearsals for ceremonies are held normally on the Tuesday evening before each meeting, and brethren who are involved are very much encouraged to attend. We have our own Cae Glas Lodge of Instruction which meets on the 4th Thursday of the month from October through to May. This is a meeting of newer and younger brethren with the aim of encouraging and helping them to understand and feel comfortable with the organisation which they have joined, and to do so in a pleasurable and enjoyable way. New members are included early on, and most follow a well-structured progression which will ultimately lead them to become Worshipful Master of their Lodge for a year should they so wish. We do not pressure anyone to progress but actively encourage anyone who wishes to through our informal Lodge of Instruction evenings. We follow the evening with a social meal and drinks.

Cae Glas is a very inclusive and progressive Lodge. We actively engage with our members’ families and hold a number of social events throughout the year for partners and children. The age of Lodge members ranges from those in their mid - 20s to those in their 80s and older and many play an active role throughout their entire Masonic career – and enjoy doing so.

Family, Charity and Community are at the heart of our Lodge and we are very proud of the many initiatives, both individually as a Lodge and as a part of the Masonic Province of Shropshire that we have been involved with. It was a great honour to have contributed towards the £2.1 million that was raised by the Lodges in Shropshire over the last five years for the Masonic Charitable Fund. That money is used to alleviate suffering wherever it is found in the world and, more recently, has been directed towards relieving the many problems, both financial and practical, that the Coronavirus pandemic has caused in the UK. Money raised by the Lodge is also donated to Oswestry and other local charities.

Above all, we enjoy our Masonry and the Fellowship and Friendship it brings.

For further details please email

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