Cleobury Lodge

Lodge Number: 6972
Cleobury Mortimer

Cleobury Golf Club, Wyre Common,
Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire DY14 8HQ

Meeting Date
Third Thursday in month
September to April
Second Thursday in December

Installation Date

Lodge Secretary 
Contact the Lodge Secretary


Lodge Profile

Cleobury Lodge was consecrated in 1950, and is one of thrity-five Masonic lodges in the Province of Shropshire warranted by the United Grand Lodge of England. Cleobury (pronounced Clee-bury) meets at Cleobury Golf Club, Cleobury Mortimer DY14 The meetings are held monthly usually on the third Thursday of each month from September to April inclusive, with the exception of December, when a Christmas Festive Board (formal meal) for Family and Friends is held on the second Saturday in December, again at the Cleobury Golf Club.

The evening begins at 1830h with a Ceremony or an educational presentation followed by some Lodge business matters. This is followed at about 2000h by a formal meal called the Festive Board, and the evening normally ends by about 2200h.

Rehearsals for Ceremonies are held normally on the third Tuesday in the month evening after the Committee meeting at around 2000h, at the Golf Club and Brethren who are involved are very much encouraged to attend. New members are included early on, and most follow a well-structured progression which ultimately will lead them to become Worshipful Master of the Lodge for a year. In time, Brethren will be encouraged to visit other Lodges, perhaps join other Orders and/or do other work according to their inclination and abilities.

In addition to Masonic meetings, the Lodge holds social events and informal gatherings, and often supports those held by other lodges and the Province. Partners and friends are often welcomed to these. Money raised by the Lodge is donated to its own charities, to the Shropshire funds and also to the national Masonic charities, which give impressive donations to many worthy causes, both locally and nationally.

Cleobury’s membership are drawn from many different backgrounds, and we welcome different Faiths and a spread of ages too. It is an important rule, however, that religion and politics should never be discussed at a Masonic meeting. Experienced members are tasked with supporting new Brethren through our Mentoring system.

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