Freemasonry in Shropshire
Housman’s “blue remembered hills”
There are thirty-eight Craft Lodges set in the beautiful and peaceful Province of Shropshire. The oldest of these, Salopian Lodge number 262, was founded in 1788, and counted Thomas Telford among its members. The youngest, Saint Cecilia lodge 10064, was consecrated in February, 2025.
The link for Lodges’ gives a list of all the Craft lodges in Shropshire. Clicking on each lodge name will give you details of its whereabouts, meeting dates and the Lodge Secretary’s contact details. Each lodge has written a Profile describing itself to give potential members a ‘feel’ for what they offer. Lodges can be found across the County and there will almost certainly be one within easy reach of where you live.
If you are considering joining Freemasonry make contact with either Ian Edgington, the Provincial Grand Secretary or the lodge secretary of one of the Lodges near you (a map and other details about each lodge including contact address is found under “Lodges”).
Many lodges have a ‘Gentleman’s Evening’ once a year which you can attend to get a better idea of what Freemasonry is about and chat with other Masons informally or over a meal. Some Lodges have an informal regular ‘Curry Night’ or similar function where you can get to know the members, and they can get to know you, before you make a decision to join.