Clara, Dennis and COVID-19
The phenomenal charity fund raising which saw £1.2m given to the Masonic Charitable Fund in Autumn 2019 might have inspired Shropshire’s Brethren to put their feet up a little at the start of 2020. Little did we know as we celebrated the Festival last October that our help would be needed even more urgently in Spring 2020.
Who now remembers Storms Clara and Dennis? Last February both reached wind speeds of over 200 km/h as they impacted the UK and other parts of Western Europe. Emergency grants from the Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association (SMCA) totalled £4000, with a further £5000 from the MCF.
The war against the effects of COVID-19 unfolded soon after, as March saw ‘lockdown’ and the Grand Master declaring a four-month suspension of Masonic activity. This did not include charitable works, and over £4000 worth of PPE was provided to needy workers (mostly care homes), in some cases made by yoiung Freemasons using 3D printers, and delivered by Freemasons. Some even acted as volunteer ambulance drivers, with one Brother catching the virus himself in consequence. He is, thankfully, recovered.
In addition to the magnificent van provided to the Shrewsbury Food Hub by the Salopian Lodge of Charity (see Charities page) £40,000 has been donated by Shropshire lodges towards all the Food Banks in the county. A further £8,500 was sent to Young Carers to support young people - one as young as five - who look after vulnerable people. £4000 has been donated to Domestic Abuse charities, and £2000 to the Shrewsbury Ark, which cares for homeless people.
The bottom line is that through this dreadful Spring and into this difficult Summer, Shropshire’s Freemasons have given help to their communities totalling nearly £90,000, and the effects of this aid will be felt for a long time after the immediate threat of COVID-19 has, hopefully, diminished.
Well done, Shropshire!!