Fifty years of Masonry celebrated at the Round Table Lodge
The September meeting of Shropshire’s Round Table Lodge no. 9104 had no Ceremony - but was nevertheless a true celebration of Freemasonry, with three new members receiving their Grand Lodge certificates to mark their arrival as fully-fledged Freemasons. The centrepiece however was undoubtedly the presentation of a 50 year certificate to Worshipful Brother Brian Lewis by the Deputy Provincia Grand Master, Jeremy Lund.
Brian, a true Cockney from the London borough of Hackney, was bombed out during the Blitz, yet managed to pursue life and his education despite V1 and V2 rockets. His National Service coincided with the Cyprus Emergency of 1955, and his work as a structural engineer brought him ultimately to Shropshire, where he worked on the second phase of the Telford development - including the iconic Debenham’s building.
Brian has achieved high honours for his tireless commitment in Round Table, Rotary and in Freemasonry, which he joined in 1970. For over 30 years he travelled from Shropshire to Croydon four times a year to support his Mother Lodge. He has been a valued member of many Orders, and has reached the Chair in all except the one he joined last year, during the pandemic! A truly remarkable man and Mason!