Freemasonry gives help to Ukraine
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Freemasonry in England has responded quickly to the crisis in Ukraine - but so potentially have the scammers. Please read this post carefully before offering help…
Yesterday the Masonic Charitable Fund confirmed an emergency grant of £50,000 is being made to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and details may be viewed on the MCF website. As is our usual practice, the MCF will send its donations via the British Red Cross.
Additionally, there is a Relief Chest Fundraising Appeal to provide a quick and secure method for any Freemasons who wish to contribute personally. These funds will be used to support wider relief efforts in aid of Ukrainian refugees. The above named website includes a “Donate” button which will allow anyone who wishes to give to the Relief Chest.
Although a letter from the Grand Lodge of Ukraine has been in circulation (and there has been some suggestion that this may be a scam), UGLE recommends the use of the Relief Chest as the best and most appropriate means of making donations: it is more secure and Gift Aid will be claimed where possible. Undoubtedly the British Red Cross ‘route’ will also benefit from the matched funding announced by the Government.
There is a JustGiving page but please be aware that JustGiving does unavoidably charge a small fee (20p per transaction + 1.9% processing). Please note that the MCF will reimburse any such fee into the appeal so that every penny given will go to the charity - but the recommendation is to donate directly into the Relief Chest.
Freemasonry has a proud history of supporting emergencies worldwide - and we offer our thanks to Brethren who have once again generously considered the needs of others.