Two Provincial Grand Masters attend 50 Year Certificate award

The COVID Masonic ‘lay-off’ has left Provincial teams everywhere with Long Service Certificates aplenty to catch up on; here in Shropshire the PrGM and Deputy have been extra busy delivering them to Brethren up and down the Province, some of who have been waiting nearly 18 months to receive their award!

In this case, however, the 50 Year Certificate was delivered very promptly as Nicholas Gull of Lodge of St Oswald received his from the RWPrGM Roger Pemberton 50 years to the day after his Initiation. The meeting was made still more special by the presence of RWBro Michael Holland, PrGM of Herefordshire. who had travelled up to support WBro Gull.

The newly refurbished premises at Roft Street, Oswestry proved an ideal setting for the start of the next 50 years, with Worshipful Master Peter Cherrington in the Chair of King Solomon.

Jeremy Lund