Albric Festival Lodge

Lodge Number: 9576
Albrighton, Wolverhampton

The Red House
Albrighton, Wolverhampton, WV7 3LU

Meeting Date
Second Monday in month
January, March, May, September & November

Installation Date

Lodge Secretary 
Contact the Lodge Secretary

Lodge Profile

Albric Festival lodge was consecrated on the 10th of June 1995 and is one of 36 Masonic lodges in the Province of Shropshire warranted by the United Grand Lodge of England. It was formed by Shropshire and Staffordshire masons who resided in the village of Albrighton. The name Albric was chosen as it is the ancient name of Albrighton. Our meetings take place on the second Monday in January, March, May, September and November at 18.00 hrs apart from September which is normally 17.00hrs. We meet in the Red House, Albrighton, WV7 3LU which is in the centre of the village and has free parking nearby.

Our meetings are either a Ceremony or an educational presentation followed by other Lodge business. This is followed by a formal meal called the Festive Board. Some of our many visitors have proclaimed that we have the best festive board in Shropshire. There is lots of singing and banging on the table. Our aim is for everyone to enjoy the ceremony and the festive board. We are a very friendly lodge and attract members from Shropshire and because we are right on the border, Staffordshire as well. We meet on the Thursday before the meeting for a rehearsal and we also have a Lodge of instruction throughout the year. The Lodge of Instruction is an informal meeting which members can practice parts of ceremonies and are free to ask questions about freemasonry and why we do various things.

The lodge is well integrated into the local community. We have and continue to support many local charities and good causes, Albrighton and Cosford Community First Responders, The Village Fayre, the Albrighton Village Halls Trust, the OAP annual Christmas party and the remembrance parade to name a few.

We also have social events which are used as charity fund raisers for local and national causes. Amongst these is our annual Christmas quiz which is in its 4th year and is very popular and sells out every year. These functions are open to non masons and is a good way to see who we are and what we do for the local community.

Our Membership is very varied from members of the Armed forces to Directors of Large companies, we welcome people from all faiths and backgrounds. Contact the lodge secretary for more information.

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