10:30 AM10:30

Remembrance Sunday

Shropshire’s Freemasons are invited to share Remembrance Sunday at their local centres. There will also be a Commemoration Service at Crewe Street at 1030h to which all are invited, while the PrGM will attend the Civic Parade in Shrewsbury. Active Provincial Officers will meet at the Castle at 1000h and parade to the Quarry War Memorial for the Laying of Wreths and a service: there is to be no Civic service in St Chad’s that morning.

We will remember them…

“For the Fallen” by Worshipful Brother Errol Dyer

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Provincial Remembrance Commemorations
11:30 AM11:30

Provincial Remembrance Commemorations

The Province encourages all Masons to support a Remembrance Commemoration event, either in the county town, or locally. These are (mostly) held on Sunday, November 14th.

The Civic Parade, Laying of Wreaths and Commemoration Service in Shrewsbury commences from Shrewsbury Castle grounds, parades through the town to the Quarry, and this is followed by the Service at St Chad’s.

There is also our own Act of Remembrance at our Crewe Street Masonic Hall from about 1030h, followed by refreshments in the Hall. All are welcome.

Dress is: dark suit and Provincial tie; chains for those who wear them, but otherwise no regalia. The Parade will include the Provincial banner.

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4:30 PM16:30

Clive going to the Dogs

Our star fund raiser from the north of the Province is at it again! Clive Jones has been raising money for Giude Dogs for the Blind by running another Curry Night at the Oruna Cuisine restaurant in Market Drayton. The event, on 20th October, was attended by several Masons. Despite numbers being limited for safety reasons, 24 people enjoyed an excellent night and £455 was saved towards the charity.

A guide dog ‘puppy’ was auctioned and raised a three-figure sum. Named Bailey, it was presented to Clive’s six-month-old grand-daughter.

Clive continues to raise money for the RBL through sales of paracording - search Facebook under Clive’s Poppy Paracords. He is looking forward to the near future, as he is waiting himself for a guide dog and should soon be able to announce that he has definitely broken the £100,000 mark in his fund raising. Clive - we salute you! What an exceptional man and Mason!

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Provincial Memorial and Thanksgiving Service
3:00 PM15:00

Provincial Memorial and Thanksgiving Service

This service at Shrewsbury Abbey is for all - but in particular. for those who have lost loved ones and friends during the COVID-19 and have been unable to mark their passing fully.

Additionally, we shall give thanks for the work of all those who have worked so hard to alleviate the effects of the pandemic - our members who have raised money, produced PPE, driven ambulances and supported in other ways; and the charities we have worked with in Shropshire.

This will be an ecumenical service, with plenty of music - please put the date in your diaries now!

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