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Clive going to the Dogs

Our star fund raiser from the north of the Province is at it again! Clive Jones has been raising money for Giude Dogs for the Blind by running another Curry Night at the Oruna Cuisine restaurant in Market Drayton. The event, on 20th October, was attended by several Masons. Despite numbers being limited for safety reasons, 24 people enjoyed an excellent night and £455 was saved towards the charity.

A guide dog ‘puppy’ was auctioned and raised a three-figure sum. Named Bailey, it was presented to Clive’s six-month-old grand-daughter.

Clive continues to raise money for the RBL through sales of paracording - search Facebook under Clive’s Poppy Paracords. He is looking forward to the near future, as he is waiting himself for a guide dog and should soon be able to announce that he has definitely broken the £100,000 mark in his fund raising. Clive - we salute you! What an exceptional man and Mason!