Shropshire's Masonic Golfers on form yet again!!

The Shropshire Masonic Golf Society has been at it again! After victories over Worcestershire and Herefordshire, our team disposed of rivals Staffordshire to claim the trophy once again! On a pleasant day in late summer, Shropshire’s finest gathered to enjoy a little competitive Masonic golf.

Pictured with the trophy are Staffordshire’s Kevin Spencer and our very own Provincial Grand Master Roger Pemberton.

The Shropshire Masonic Golf Society was also pleased to present RWBro Roger with a cheque for £1000 for the Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association, which controls charitable giving from Shropshire’s Craft and Royal Arch Masons..

The Golf Society is always looking for new blood - any excuse, in fact, for another round. Why not make contact?

Jeremy Lund