The Lodge of St Oswald

Lodge Number: 1124

Freemasons’ Hall Roft St.,
Oswestry SY11 2EP

Meeting Date
First Monday in month
October to April

Installation Date

Lodge Secretary
Contact the Lodge Secretary

Lodge Profile

The Lodge of St Oswald is one of the oldest lodges in the Province of Shropshire and was consecrated on 5th November 1866. There were however two earlier lodges, one of which was the Wynnstay Lodge dating back to 1771.

The Lodge meets at Freemasons` Hall, Roft Street, Oswestry on the first Monday of each month from October to April inclusive. The Freemasons` Hall was constructed in 1901 and is one of only two purpose built freemasons` lodges within the province.

The evening begins at 1800h with a Ceremony or educational presentation followed by any other Lodge business. This is followed at about 2000h by a formal meal called the Festive Board, and the evening normally ends around 2200h.

Rehearsals for Ceremonies are normally held on the Friday evening preceding the meeting and the Brethren who are involved are encouraged to attend. We hold a monthly meeting of the Harlech Lodge of Instruction, which is made up from members of the Lodge and those of our daughter lodge, Fitz Alan. This offers education and instruction which will ultimately lead them to become (if they wish) Worshipful Master of their respective lodge for a year. Such is the quality of their work, that members of the Lodge of Instruction have been invited to perform particular pieces of ritual at other lodges within the Province.

Brethren are encouraged to invite visitors, to visit other lodges, and to join other Orders according to their inclinations and abilities.

In addition to Masonic meetings, the Lodge holds social events and informal gatherings, and often supports those held by other lodges in the Province. Friends and family are often encouraged to join in these events. Money raised by the Lodge is donated to its own charities, to the Shropshire funds, and also the national Masonic charities resulting in substantial donations to many worthy causes.

The Lodge of St Oswald`s membership is drawn from men of different ages, backgrounds, faiths, and offers an especial experience for men of like mind.  Above all we enjoy our Masonry and the Fellowship and Friendship it brings.

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